About Us

Welcome to EarthGirl'sGoods

where we:

  • personally peruse, pick, and provide popular, proven, and  pleasing products
  • for purposefully connecting with the earth through gardening and your other related earthy activities at home ... and wherever you roam 
  • aim for quality, joy, and customer satisfaction throughout the entire experience
  • founded this enterprise in 2025 in our current home state of Georgia, USA

Thank you for being a part of the EarthGirl'sGoods family!

Vision Statement 

We put joy into your earthy activities shopping experience.

Mission Statement

This is a prosperous place for you to return to as your first choice when seeking proven products for your earthy activities in their multiple and various forms. Here you will find proven popular products you seek, thoughtfully perused and picked by us, for your earthy lifestyle choices and activities.

What We Offer

Gardening Supplies 

Outdoor Furniture

Nursery Supplies

Landscaping Supplies

Eco-Friendly Goods

